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Connected Doctors est une agence Med Ed et digitale qui intervient à l’intersection de la Technologie et de la Santé. Nous faisons la promotion de solutions nouvelles de santé numérique, des médicaments, des services, par des moyens innovants et efficaces. Connected Doctors  est aussi un organisme de formation agrée Qualiopi.

Notre métier repose sur la création d’un environnement scientifique et digital efficace afin de renforcer la santé de votre marque ou service. Nous vous accompagnons dans vos projets Corporate, Medical Education et Events, en intégrant une forte expertise digitale. Connected Doctors innove par l’approche, le contenu, les médias et propose une offre globale pour faire changer les perspectives.

Dirigé par le Dr Antoine POIGNANT, MD, Connected Doctors réunit un vaste réseau de stratèges, de médecins, de directeurs créatifs, de designers, de médical writers, de stratèges médias, de spécialistes du marketing numérique, de développeurs et de bâtisseurs de relations qui collaborent sur des projets innovants et échangent des idées. Nous créons des expériences de marque dynamiques et pertinentes à tous les niveaux.

Membre fondateur d’Argon Global Healthcare Connected Doctors est une agence Med Ed et digitale full service (basée à Paris) qui contribue à la réussite des entreprises pharmaceutiques et de santé via le marketing numérique et la communication médicale.

Antoine exerce depuis 20 ans dans le domaine de la communication et des stratégies santé. Très impliqué dans la transformation digitale du secteur santé, il collabore avec les Echos Etudes et les Echos Formation. CoFondateur de Connected Doctors et de la Blouse Blanche, il a contribué au lancement de nombreuses innovations (produits, devices, services) sur les marchés français et internationaux.

Vous voulez discuter d’un projet,
appelez-nous au 06 12 80 95 50
ou écrivez-nous 



Connected Doctors is a special projects and digital agency that works at the intersection of Technology and Healthcare. The recent growth of digital technologies in clinical practice—by which we mean technology and data that inform medical practice and improve health— has been made possible by an exponential increase in computational power that has fuelled the generation and storage of complex data, including genomic sequencing and other so-called omics approaches, electronic health records, AI and medical imaging.

Combined with the use of smart wearables and mobile phones, data from millions of individuals can be analysed with artificial intelligence techniques to support physicians in diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. We are dedicated to promoting innovative solutions in advertising, digital, branding, message delivery, market access, and medical communications.

Led by Antoine POIGNANT, MD Connected Doctors is a globally distributed network of strategists, physicians, creative directors, designers, writers, media strategists, digital marketers, developers and relationship builders who collaborate on exciting projects and exchange ideas. We are committed to creating vibrant and relevant brand experiences on every level.

Founding member of Argon Global Healthcare, Connected Doctors is a full-service digital agency (Paris based) that helps pharmaceutical and healthcare companies with digital marketing and medical communications.

If you’d like to discuss any projects
call us on +33 (0)6 12 80 95 50
or drop us an email at 


Hybrid Events Management

A new event typology has emerged: hybrid events. They bring together the present and distant audiences and thus offer a common experience to both audiences.
The organization of a hybrid event needs a new kind of preparation and a new organization (video coverage, streaming…) to ensure successful operations.

Digital Strategy

Consulting. Digital transformation. Connected Doctors agency model provides a customer first digital strategy that optimizes value throughout the customer journey.

Design and development of websites, apps, emails and edetails, medical writing and online & social media planning – Connected Doctors provides a one-stop shop for your digital projects.

Medical Education programs 

Webinars, WebTV, streaming, augmented events, hybrid event. Rely on our strong expertise.

Antoine has been practicing for 20 years in the field of marketing communication and health strategies for drug companies, medical devices and services. Very involved in the digital transformation of the health sector, he has been collaborating for nearly 10 years with Les Echos Etudes and Les Echos Formation.

Co-founder of Connected Doctors & La Blouse Blanche, he has contributed to the launching of numerous innovations (products, devices, services) and institutional communication for the French and international markets.

Emergency training physician (SAMU 77) he graduated from the school of advanced studies in social sciences (EHESS) in medical anthropology, has a master’s degree in Human Immunology and Immunopathology, two CES in neurophysiology and one in Medical Psychology. He also followed the course of the University Diploma of biological and medical engineering.

Passionate about neuroscience and Buddhism, Antoine is practicing martial arts and meditation for many years.


CEO Owner, Connected Doctors